
How to Build Trust for Your Business

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

12:00 pm

When someone is looking to purchase from a business, one of the most important factors is trust. As a home designer, your customers are not only paying you money, but they're inviting you into a very personal part of their life. Whether it be their home, office, or outdoor space, it's a place where they spend a lot of their time. Join Debra and learn ways to build trust within your prospects to set your business apart and close more sales with things such as certifications, testimonials, project history, experience, sponsorships, and more.


  1. Build Trust During Your Sales Process
  2. Your Website Functionality
  3. Your Website Content
  4. Set Your Business Apart
  5. Tell Your Company's Story
  6. Build Trust with Social Proof
  7. Prove it with Awards, Certifications…

NKBA approved course. NKBA members must self-report CEUs to NKBA with course title, instructor, delivery method and total CEUs awarded per course.



How to Build Trust for Your Business
Debra Scarpa
Debra Scarpa

Debra is an award winning designer and owner of Home Designer Marketing with over 30 years in the marketing industry. Home Designer Marketing helps home design professionals transform their businesses and brands to attract their dream clients, sell their projects for more, stay current online, and get their time back with automated systems.

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How to Build Trust for Your Business